Who was Thetis?

As you can clearly see from our logo, Thetis was a woman; and what a woman she was. Thetis was wooed by two gods (Zeus and Poseidon) but was rejected by both when they learned that Thetis prophesized that she was to have a child who would become greater than either of the two gods.
Peleus, a mortal, married Thetis. Thetis's baby boy was Achilles and she made him immortal by dipping him into the River Styxx but because she held on to his heel to do so, his heel remained unprotected; from this came the saying that a person's vulnerability is their 'Achille's heel.'

So -- how did we decide on Thetis Paddles as our company name - Charlie mentioned her in passing and I loved the name - he was also quick to point out that only women give birth to great warriors (or maybe even great paddlers). Thus the name Thetis Paddles was born.